Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy embraces a comprehensive method to expedite healing from injuries, facilitates alleviation of pain, repairs tissues, and reinstates movement.
The Benefits of Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage Therapy is a targeted form of massage that aims to restore the natural balance of the muscles, nervous system, and skeletal framework. It is a hands-on therapy performed by a professionally trained therapist who uses specific techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body.

The objectives of Remedial Massage include:

  • Enhancing Circulation: Improving blood flow to support bodily functions and promote healing.
  • Stress Alleviation: Reducing mental and physical stress for overall well-being.
  • Muscle Tension Relief: Easing muscle tightness and soreness to improve comfort.
  • Scar Tissue Release: Softening and releasing scar tissue to enhance tissue elasticity.
  • Postural Correction: Helping to realign posture and prevent related discomfort.
  • Increased Joint Flexibility: Enhancing the range of motion in joints for better mobility.

Techniques Employed in Remedial Massage:

  • Trigger Point Therapy: This involves applying pressure to specific nodules or "trigger points" within the muscle to interrupt pain cycles or spasms. Initially, this may be uncomfortable, but relief typically follows as muscle contraction subsides and tension is released.
  • Myofascial Release: This gentle technique stretches the fascia—connective tissue surrounding muscles—improving flexibility and range of motion, and aligning the fascia and muscle to a more functional state.
  • Deep Tissue Massage: Characterized by slow, deliberate strokes and deep pressure, this technique works on areas of built-up muscle tension. It serves to relax muscles, release entrenched patterns of tension, and restore suppleness and range of motion.

Remedial Massage Therapy is suitable for individuals of all ages, professions, and fitness levels, and it can significantly enhance quality of life by mitigating the impacts of physical, mental, and emotional stress.

Benefits of Regular Remedial Massage:
  • Stretch and relax muscles
  • Relieve muscle pain and spasm
  • Improve range of motion
  • Identify tender areas before they develop into injuries
  • Speed recovery from muscular exertion
  • Free muscle adhesions
  • Restore suppleness and elasticity
  • Give the athlete better mind/body connection and awareness
  • Reduce muscle stiffness and soreness
  • Prepare the athlete for competition
  • Reduced Chronic Stress
  • Preventative Health Care

After each Remedial Massage Therapy session, clients often report feeling looser, more revitalised, and invigorated, indicating the positive effects on their physical state – this is one of the reasons it is one of the integrated therapies at Sports Lab.

The Role of Sports Massage in Athletic Training



Athletes across all levels and disciplines increasingly incorporate massage as a core element of their training routines. Research conducted in various nations has consistently demonstrated that when sports massage is integrated into an athlete's regular training program, it can enhance recovery post-exertion, maintain flexibility, and reduce the likelihood of injuries associated with overtraining.

Advantages of Sports Massage:

  • Accelerated Conditioning:  Massage assists athletes in achieving better physical condition more rapidly, minimizing the discomfort and stiffness that can accompany intense training.
  • Enhanced Recovery:  Following rigorous exercise, massage aids in faster recuperation, helping to alleviate conditions that could potentially lead to injury.
  • Injury Prevention: Regular sports massage can help prevent the occurrence of injuries by addressing muscle tightness and trigger points that may arise from repetitive strain.

Sports massage not only serves as a relaxing experience post-workout but also acts as a form of healthy compensation for the body’s hard work.

Tailored Sports Massage for Athletes:

  • Customized Approach: A sports-specific massage is designed to focus on the unique physical demands placed on an athlete’s body by their particular sport.
  • Targeted Relief: For instance, cyclists and dancers may experience more stress in their legs; swimmers in their upper body; tennis players in their arms; and golfers in their lower back.
  • Flexibility and Tension Relief: These areas are prone to increased tightness, reduced flexibility, and the development of trigger points, which sports massage can effectively address.

By integrating regular sports massage into their training, athletes not only achieve a state of relaxation and well-being but also receive focused care that targets the specific stresses and strains of their sport, promoting overall athletic performance and longevity.

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