Corporate Wellness Packages
Enhance your teams's wellbeing with Sports Lab's range fitness and wellness options, including on-site Pilates, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, wellness workshops and health assessments.
What is Corporate wellness?

Enhance your teams's wellbeing with Sports Lab's range fitness and wellness options, including on-site Pilates, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, wellness workshops and health assessments.

Sports Lab has developed a complete range of healthcare services, offering to provide your employees with personalised, convenient , reliable and affordable pathways to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our focus is on implementing preventative health measures, detecting issues early and optimising recovering to minimise downtime.

Corporate Health & Wellness Program Benefits

Implementing a corporate health and wellness program can lead to a multitude of benefits for both employees and the organisation. Such programs are designed to promote healthier lifestyles, improve wellbeing and increase productivity.

  • Enhanced Employee Health: Reduces health risks and promotes healthy habits.
  • Increased Productivity: Healthier employees tend to be more energetic and productive.
  • Lower Healthcare Costs: Preventative care can lead to reduced medical expenses.
  • Improved Employee Morale: Wellness initiatives can boost job satisfaction and morale.
  • Reduced Absenteeism: Healthier employees are less likely to take sick leave.
  • Attract and Retain Talent: Wellness programs can make a company more attractive to prospective employees.

Enquire now about our Corporate Health & Wellness Programs



Contact our Corporate Health & Wellness Program Manager, Zac Moukaddem by emailing

Contact Us

Have any questions that aren't answered on our website?  Feel free to email us or give us a call!  Our clinic locations and contact details are below.  If you know what you want you can book now through our online portal.

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